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Appropriated Voyeurism
It’s been barely two decades since an outsider would learn our family history by sitting with us on the sofa and flipping through bound pages of pasted pictures. Technological advances with contraptions and communication platforms have invited us into a crowded universe of voyeurism and have instigated our accidental exhibitionism. And it’s not a deviate, voyeuristic indulgence, but instead it’s just an addiction to not being able to look away - to not participate. Lured by the beauty of cacophony and chaos and entertained by playing the self-indulgent selection game, we still can’t escape the deluge of images flowing over us. We simply evolve to accommodate more.
After mining our last century's tour of imagery, Appropriated Voyeurism exploits image inundation while exploring and examining the instigation of our accidental exhibitionism coupled to our new past time of voyeurism. If you've posted it, it might be in the exhibit, and there are plenty of places to peek and find out.
The centerpiece of the exhibit is a 100 feet long, curvilinear, mixed media painting composed with translucent, transparent, and reflective materials coupled with optics and polyphonics married to choreographed, digital image inundations.